Ut Pictura Theoria: Abstract painting and the repression of language
a) something I learned:
The problem with this picture is not that we have nothing to say about it, or that it says nothing to us, but rather that we feel overwhelmed and embarrassed by the number of things it can be made to say.
- I have seen some abstract paintings before yet I did not know what they represented nor meant. This quote let me think in a different way when seeing an abstract painting and also think about "purity" of the visual arts that were discussed in the text.
b) something I would like to research further:
As for this diagram, I still recall vividly its heraldic power; for it proclaimed, with a schema more familiar to the sciences, an evolutionary pedigree for abstract art that seemed as immutable as a chart tracing the House of Windsor or the Bourbon Dynasty. Darwinian assumptions merged with the pursuit of genealogical blue blood in pronouncing, for instance, that a coupling of van Gogh and Gauguin created Fauvism, just as sodium and chlorine would make salt; and that Cubism, that most fertile of monarchs, had an amazing variety of princely offspring, from Orphism to Purism. At the bottom of the chart, which was marked off, in graph-paper fashion, by five-year periods, starting in 1890 at the top and ending with what was then the present, 1935, this multiplicity had been distilled into two parallel but polarized currents, nongeometrical
and geometrical abstract art. The skeletal clarity and purity of this diagram were fleshed out in the text itself, which . . . outlined in the most pithy and impersonal way the visual mutations and the historical fact that accounted for the thrilling invention of a totally unfamiliar art belonging to our century and to no other. [C, pp.1-21]
- I think I could have have more clear understanding of the text and the diagram if I had enough understanding of the specific style of paintings that were mentioned in the quote. I would like to research on them. (Fauvism, Cubism...etc.)
c) keywords:
Abstraction, repression, purism, expressionism, avant-garde, paragone, emblematic, theatricality, postmodernism, contamination, kitsch, narrative, iconoclasm, intuition, fauvism, cubism, objective, iconography
Conceptual Art 1962-1969:
From the Aesthetic of Administration to the Critique of Institutions
From the Aesthetic of Administration to the Critique of Institutions
a) something I learned:
The devotion to a private aesthetic of contemplative experience, with its concomitant absence of any systematic reflection of the social functions of artistic production and their potential and actual publics, had, in fact, precluded any exploration of the interdependence of architectural and artistic production, be it even in the most superficial and trivial forms of architectural decor.
- I was struck by this quote which draw out the fact of what can be limited by conceptualism, because I usually think of conceptual art in the positive side.
b) something I would like to research further:
"One of the things Conceptual Art attempted was the dismantling of the hierarchy of media according to which painting (sculpture trailing slightly behind it) is assumed inherently superior to, most notably, photography."
- What I did not understand about the quote was the hierarchy of media because I never thought that photography was inferior to painting. I would like to research on the hierarchy of the media and why the hierarchy generated within it.
c) keywords:
- Contemplate, concept, construction, Percept, Conceptual art, object, readymade, visuality, minimalism, structure, aesthetic, Duchamp, experiene, reproduction, representation, ideology
Wicked Problems in Design Thinking
a) something I learned:
Design problems are "indeterminate" and "wicked" because design has no special subject matter of its own apart from what a designer conceives it to be. The subject matter of design is potentially universal in scope, because design thinking may be applied to any area of human experience.
- I thought 'design' was something that was limited in 'arts'. This quote broadened my view in the potentiality of design as well as clearifying the understanding of the 'wicked problem' in design thinking that is said in the text.
b) something I would like to research further:
The old center of the universe was the mind knowing by means of an equipment of powers complete within itself, and merely exercised upon an antecedent external material equally complete within itself. The new center is indefinite interactions taking place within a course of nature which is not fixed and complete, but which is capable of direction to new and different results through the mediation of intentional operations.'
- The quote briefly explains the change of the centre of the universe in the past and present. I could see that there is a change but not sure of why. In order to understand the quote fully I would like to researh on liberal arts, the difference between the old and new liberal arts.
c) keywords:
Design, technology, methodology, liberal arts, communication, science, placement, category, problems, determinacy, indeterminacy, diversity, connection, experiment, experience, reposition, integrative
The Politics of the Signifier: A Conversation on the Whitney Biennial
a) something I learned:
the fact that they are people of color is not political, but the fact that a museum breaks its conventions of excluding them is political. The fact that there is suddenly an audience that can relate to its own producers, that a community is established that can construct further relationships, modes of production, modes of interaction, and role models-that is political.
- This quote explains the meaning of what is 'political' in art and how it signifies within it - the concept I did not have full understanding.
b) something I would like to research further:
There might be some implicit demand that they deal with the autobiographical. But autobiography has a history as a genre, and the question is whether that history is taken into account.
- I do not understand the fact that some of the atists with issues like ethnicity and sexuality have to fulfill a implicit performance contract and be autobiographical. I would like to research on them.
c) keywords:
- Signifier, politics, iconography, interpretation, representation, identity, asthetic, teleology, compotence, neccessity, autobiographical, model, concept, oppression, perspectives
Sinece 'Choice!': Exhibiting the 'New Maori Art'
a) something I learned:
Maori Modernism was to be a modernism of formal and technical innovation, an updating of the sensorial matrix of the culture, not a challenge to its core values.
- If I heard the term 'Maori Modernism', I would have probably thought that it was an art movement that was apposing to the Maori traditions. But the quote let me know the difference in modernism and Maori modernism.
b) something I would like to research further:
His eagerness to affirm the ethnicity and artistic heritage of talented young Maori artists derived from a modernist belief in the aeathetic value of the art of tribal culture, which, he maintained, shered affinities with modern art ecause both were based in organic and universal sources of creativity.
- As an immigrant, I do not have a good knowledge of Maori culture. I think it would have been better in understanding this quote if I had more knowledge of this tribal culture and what values it has.
c) keywords:
- Distinctiveness, tradition, Maoriness, deolonisation, tribal culture, indigenous, bicultural, anticolonial, aesthetic, ethnocentric, whakapapa,