듣기, 읽기, 보기2008. 12. 12. 02:34

Why should some things we do need to be explained when it is just simply being ourselves or doing the right thing as we believe? controversy over the title of this song is one of those kinds. They had guts to push this song because they probably saw no problems within. And I agree with them. However, I guess there are people who think of the use of the term politically incorrect, too. It is just a bit too hard for me to justify/define 'the line'. Why does it have to be so ambiguous and mixed up? when i think something's right then the opposition kicks right in my head, so what happens at the end is, whatever floating in there get fucked up so bad, it refuses to do the job it shoud be doing. I do not know maybe because I'm a biased bitch? (man, I love this alliteration) I want to know, I want to konw, I want to know. When will I ever know?
Posted by 기린c