'작업'에 해당되는 글 24건

  1. 2011.04.07 웰링턴 다녀오다 4
  2. 2011.03.24 어딘가 꼬여있는 인형들 7
  3. 2009.09.01 desire for dolls 4
  4. 2009.08.23 기린c의 photoshoot 5
  5. 2009.08.11 슈ㅣ발 쪽팔려!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2
  6. 2009.06.02 역사적인 내 귀의 날 2
  7. 2009.05.27 PRIVATE PLACE 6
  8. 2009.04.14 09.04.2009 A&Y project plan at GC 3
  9. 2009.03.18 metal casting
  10. 2009.03.15 꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 키워드는 "body" 1
  11. 2008.12.17 Food Waste Disposer
  12. 2008.11.18 Untitled, 2008 1
  13. 2008.10.22 moldy bread 2
  14. 2008.09.25 are you gonna eat that? 5
  15. 2008.04.13 sustainability and scarce resourcing 3
  16. 2008.03.16 t-reborn 7
  17. 2008.03.07 one of a kind
  18. 2008.02.10 장윤경 17세 4
  19. 2007.11.04 studio1: second semester final presentation
  20. 2007.10.10 photos of sounds 5
  21. 2007.09.18 102 3
  22. 2007.09.09 reminder 2
  23. 2007.09.04 part 104 2
  24. 2007.08.13 BFA Studio102 Tuhura Nui 3